Luxurious Living...
Inside And Out

At Hearth and Patio, we bring luxury products to Central Illinois that you would expect to find in larger Metropolitan Cities. Our vision is to provide the very best in upmarket furniture, and fireplaces at affordable prices.

Because Hearth and Patio is a family business, we want to deliver products that will enhance the quality of time you have to spend with your family. Hearth and Patio is dedicated to the growth of our community. We take great pride in our contributions to a wide range of charitable organizations.

Welcome to Hearth & Patio

Experience and knowledge contribute to our deep understanding of what our customers desire for their homes. We take a great deal of time listening to your wants and desires on what you want for your home.

We believe in the products we offer for the quality, styling, and durability it affords. Our design team is available to assist you in the showroom, at your home, or location to create the living space that meets your needs.

While we take pride in our accomplishments, we continue to actively pursue education to increase our knowledge base on every product we offer. Our technical staff is certified and approved members of the National Fireplace Institute. At Hearth and Patio, we bring you luxury living, inside and out.